Thursday 26 March 2020


How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

I set up a talk show/youtube show style interview with my brother. In this interview I cover:
  • Idents
  • Production context
  • Titles research
  • Sound
  • 1st shot
  • Central protagonist and narrative
  • Mise-en-scene for exposition
  • Transition to main film
  • Issues of representation, and how we chose to represent different social issues (gender, sexuality, ethnicity)

I took inspiration from this style of relaxed and laid back interview on youtube...

As well as the talk show style much like Ellen...

Most of my conventions research is set out at the start of my blog, however here is a playlist of all vodcasts I have produced on the topic...

Here are the links to the individual posts:

Here is the powerpoint where I discussed representations...

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